Time & Date setter for STs without a battery backed clock. Put this program in your AUTO folder so that on power up it may ask you for the time. If you warmstart the computer later this same program will set the clock in GEM/TOS to the correct time and date from the clock in the keyboard which is not cleared in a warm/cold-start, only a power off. Only set the time and date once per session! This program works on all 520's, 1040's and STe's tested so far (STe's only need to set the clock on power-up, TOS/GEM grabs the correct time from the keyboard clock all by itself, but this program helps you set the time in the first place). I looked long and hard to find something like this without a lot of other junk in the program too. This program does not write anything to the disk, takes no valuble RAM, and doesn't bother you with needless questions. Once you set that clock, it stays set until you power off the computer, just leave this program in your AUTO folder. I have included the source code so that you may modify the way the program asks you to enter the date or time. I like the date to be in sorted order, ie: year, then month, then day, and the time in military format (24 hour). Most people don't, but in the interest of brevity I wrote it as simply as possible that would work. Saves you RAM and disk space. You can simply "RETURN" on any prompt and let the defaults take over. Any line asking for time or date info defaults to the previous time or date. After you enter the time and date the program shows you what it thinks you entered and gives you a chance to change it. This defaults to "Y"es, all is as I wish it. Address complaints, suggestions or questions to LENA through F-NET or DELPHI. You can call my board direct at (805) 831-3114 California too. Hoping you find this program as useful as I have; Lena